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New MarketCheese features. February 2021
16 February 2021

In the February Marketcheese update we made it possible to call any js-function when clicking on a promo button. We also accelerated data flow to widgets using WebSocket, added time zone definition in the user’s browser.

The ability to call a js-function when clicking on a promo button

One of the unique features of our widgets is the ability to place a promo button, clicking on which you can go to any advertising pages of your website. Now there are more opportunities. You can call any js-function on your page when clicking on this button. What exactly the function will be responsible for is up to you. For example, an authorized transition to a trading terminal, opening a registration form or subscribing to news on your website. In each widget configurator we have added a convenient selector that helps to configure the way the promo button will work: following a link or calling a js-function. Please pay attention that to change the way the widget functions, you need to update the script on your website.

WebSocket widgets

We have improved the Charts widget and Economic calendar. Now thanks to the WebSocket technology data arrives practically without delays. Live quotes on the charts allow you to monitor the state of the market in real time. Timely updating of data on economic indicators in the calendar allows you to quickly respond to changes.

Browser time in calendar

In the economic calendar it was possible to choose any time zone according to which data was displayed. It could be done either on the stage of configuring the widget and while using it. The inconvenience was that if you select the time zone +3 when configuring, for all the users the data was displayed in this time zone. Now we have added a separate item «Browser time». This option determines the time zone in the user’s browser and displays the corresponding data. Customize both in the configurator and the built-in widget.

Check out our widgets, view data for market analysis and new research by analysts on the MarketCheese website.

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