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MarketCheese. October 2021
21 October 2021

In the new release of the service, we have added a rating for authors of trading ideas, the ability to copy ideas and a new block named «Market Impact» in the economic calendar.

Rating of authors of trading ideas

A rating of the best authors has been added to the trading ideas section. Places there are distributed according to the popularity of the authors’ publications — the more likes the author’s trading ideas get, the higher he/she is in the rating.

Each market segment has its own independent TOP, but any author can hold a leading position in several segments. To do this, they just need to publish trading ideas that will be of interest to other MarketCheese users.

Copying trading ideas

Now you can copy other authors’ ideas, supplement or contradict them.

You can also copy your ideas. For example, you want to publish several similar trading ideas: create a chart for the first one, publish it and then simply copy, supplement and publish the next one.

When you copy an idea, the entire content of the chart is saved:

– tickers;

– timeframe of tickers;

– all added drawing objects;

– technical indicators.

After copying, the entire content of the idea can be changed: add or remove unnecessary elements.

Related symbols in the calendar

The “Market Impact” section has been added to the economic calendar widget. It displays a list of symbols for each event with the currency pairs that are affected.

By clicking on any of the currency pairs, the “Symbols” page will open with information about this pair. It also contains:

— trading ideas related to the selected symbol;

— upcoming economic events and indicators;

— a summary table for the most important economic macro indicators.

Publish your trading ideas, read analyst research, copy widgets to your sites. Go to the MarketCheese website.

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