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UTIP Mobile: registration, deposit and trading in one app
17 October 2019

Using the unique Account Server (ACS) system, we made the sales funnel for the broker clearer and simpler. Now it takes no more than 5 minutes for a trader to complete all the steps from the installation to the first deposit.


When registering in the mobile terminal, the trader receives a single login and password to enter the terminal and Trader’s Room. After registration, two types of accounts are automatically created — demo and live.


The ability to deposit the account without going to the Trader’s Room has been added in the Mobile terminal. Thus, we save the trader’s time and shorten the way from registration to the beginning of trading.


If earlier the trader had to enter the terminal each time when changing the trading account, now he can simply switch between accounts with one click.

As a result, due to the Account Server system, a trader does not need to switch between several apps to register in the terminal and start trading. He simply installs the UTIP Mobile app and only works in it.

For more information about the new features of UTIP Mobile, please contact the Sales Department.

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