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CRM and WebOffice update. February 2021
12 February 2021

CRM 2.21.0 introduces currency selector for report generation and the ability to duplicate leads. In WebOffice 2.19.0 setting the order of payment methods is added.

Currency selector

Currency selector is added to the CRM. You can choose which currency the “Sales Report” will be displayed in: EUR or USD. Conversion of amounts in the report is calculated based on exchange rates for each day.

Duplicate leads

CRM now has a lead duplicate setting. The manager can create duplicate clients through the client card, API («createLead» function) and when importing clients. In this case, checking for duplicates by e-mail and phone will be disabled.

Payment methods setting

You can set up the order of payment methods for Trader’s Room in WebOffice. The order can be changed both for entire groups of payments and for payment methods within these groups.

Please contact the Sales Department for more information on a new version of CRM.

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