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UTIP CRM. June 2021
25 June 2021

We have added the ability to massively delete employees from the system in the CRM 2.22.0. We have optimized the functionality of importing clients: we have added a page with a table of importing clients.

Mass removal of employees from the system

In the CRM, it is now possible to massively dismiss and delete employees, without going to the card for each of them. To do this, select the necessary employees and click on the buttons that appear: «Dismiss» and «Delete».


● When an administration employee responsible for a partner is dismissed and deleted, the system will offer to appoint a new responsible person from the list of available employees.

 ● When a sales manager responsible for customers or actions is dismissed and removed, the system will offer to appoint a new responsible person from the list of available employees.

 ● When a sales manager responsible for a desk is dismissed and deleted, the system will warn about the impossibility of performing the operation.

Optimized client import functionality

We have added a page with a table for importing clients. Now there is no need to wait for the import of clients to be completed. Employees can view the import status at any time, download a file with errors, or delete completed operations.


● Clients are imported from files starting from the first one added.

● An employee can only track their own import operations.

● File size limit: 5 MB and no more than 70,000 clients.

● The import process does not depend on third-party services.

For more information about the work of the UTIP CRM, please contact the Sales department.

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