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Happy New Year 2024!
25 December 2023

Dear friends, partners and colleagues, on behalf of our team, we would like to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2024! Your continuous support has been a great source of inspiration and motivation for us. Despite facing numerous challenges over the past year, we were able to persevere and emerge even stronger!

Here’s what we’ve managed to achieve in 2023:

  • The UTIP CRM has been updated to streamline integration with lead generators.
  • The WebTrader 2.0 terminal has undergone numerous changes. These include the addition of an iFrame mode, the integration of forecasts and an economic calendar from the MarketCheese analytical service, as well as the implementation of a dark theme.
  • The UTIP Mobile has been upgraded, featuring a single menu with the UTIP Mobile Trader’s Room. Now market players are able to quickly switch between applications. 
  • A new digest on legal services has been launched.
  • We have attended five exhibitions in Johannesburg, Manila, Mumbai, Dubai and Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Our trading platform has been recognized as the best at Wiki Expo Finance in Singapore.

Moving forward, we will persist in the development of our products and services. We wish you sound health, ambitious projects, new victories and fulfillment of all your plans in 2024! May every day bring you joy, inspiration and more opportunities for growth!

Best regards, the UTIP team

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