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MarketCheese. June 2022
15 June 2022

The Marketcheese service has been updated with the new drawing objects in the «Chart» widget and the feedback form. Moreover, we have added »News» as a new section, where up-to-date and noteworthy events in the world of economics will be released.

New drawing objects on the chart

Working with the Chart widget has become even more user-friendly — we have added new drawing objects:

●     triangle,

●     area,

●     pencil,

●     marker.

These instruments serve as a tool that visualize more pointedly the display of the patterns and figures of technical analysis, support and resistance zones, trend lines and channels for financial instruments.

A direct switching to the terminal by clicking » Open in the terminal» is available now.

Feedback form

It’s now even easier to contact us. If you’re questioned about the service or widgets, or you’re intended to interact with us, contact us by using the feedback form. Just click »Contact us», enter your name & email and send a message. No doubt your request will be replied.

The «News» section

This section will be published with the up-to-date and important news from the world of economics and other related sectors. We will also make reviews on companies and other equally good copies.

The information will be categorized, so that everyone can easily extract useful information. The latest and most interesting news will be posted on the main page of the MarketCheese service.

Publish your trading ideas, read analyst research, copy widgets to your websites. Go to the MarketCheese website.

Follow the latest news in the News section on our website.

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