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MarketCheese. August 2022
12 August 2022

In the forthcoming update of the MarketCheese service, “Ideas” have become “Forecasts”, publications and comments have now the “On moderation” and “Rejected” labels. The feature of copying a forecast from one service localization to another one has become available. Navigation of the financial glossary by section has been added in the footer.

Renaming ideas to forecasts

As part of the service optimization, «Trading Ideas» have been renamed to «Market Forecasts» — a generally accepted term. Share your thoughts on market movements, post your forecasts and read other analysts’ forecasts on MarketCheese.

Status of published forecasts and comments

When publishing a forecast or comment, it has become possible to track their status using the labels «On moderation» and «Rejected».

The»Awaiting review» label means that the forecast or comment is being checked for compliance with the rules of the project.

The «Rejected» label is assigned if the rules of publishing forecasts or comments are violated. The reason for the rejection is indicated in the tooltip when hovering over the label. A rejected forecast or comment can be edited, and it will appear in the general feed after it has been moderated again. 

Copying forecasts from the Russian version of the site to English

If you have liked another analyst’s forecast and want to add your views to it, or just want to publish your forecast in another language, it’s now possible in one click. Go to the forecast, click the «Copy forecast» button and simply select the service localization where you want to publish it. The forecast will be published on the selected localization.

Glossary navigation

We have added navigation of the financial glossary to the site footer. At the end of each page of the service, the alphabet of the glossary is presented. Clicking on any letter will open a glossary page with the definitions beginning with that letter. This allows you to go to the glossary section or select the letter that a suggested term begins with from any MarketCheese page.   

Publish your market forecasts, read analyst research, copy widgets to your websites. Go to the MarketCheese website.

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