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Trader’s Room. February 2022
15 February 2022

Trader’s Room 2.15.0 has been updated with the recommended deposit amounts and HTML editor for the verification page. The verification section has been updated in the Mobile Trader’s Room 1.8.0.

Web version: Recommended deposit amounts

«Make a deposit» section has been added with the recommended deposit amounts in USD and EUR.

We provide traders with several recommended deposit amounts: four of them are preset values, and three are recent deposits.

Web version: HTML editor for the verification page

WebOffice has been added with the HTML&CSS support for the «Required documents» field. Adding images and stylized HTML elements on the «Verification» page in the Trader’s Room feature is available now.

Mobile version: Updated verification section

The «Required documents» page with HTML&CSS support has been added to the verification page and client statuses.

The «Required documents»contain the information the traders have to send to the broker for being verified.

Client statusesnotify traders of the successful verification.

Please, contact the Sales Department to get more detailed information on the Mobile Trader’s Room 1.8.0 operation.

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