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UTIP CRM and the Trader’s Room. April 2022
4 April 2022

A new «Accounts» section has been added to the new UTIP CRM 2.27.0 release. The design of the Trader’s Room has been updated.

UTIP CRM: New «Accounts» section

The «Accounts» section can operate with co-located traders’ accounts: without additional transitions to Trading Terminal and the Admin’s Room. For example:

  • deposit and withdraw funds from the balance;
  • change the type (group) of an account;
  • view all accounts and filter table;
  • delete accounts.

Trader’s Room: the updated design of login pages

The login pages design was updated: the style has been changed to the modern light style and UX has been enhanced.

For more information about UTIP CRM 2.27.0 and the Trader’s Room, please contact our Sales Department.

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