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UTIP CRM and UTIP Mobile Trader’s Room. December 2023
15 December 2023

With the latest release of the UTIP CRM 2.36.0, users can now access a new client card. It has been rewritten on an advanced engine, giving it a more sophisticated appearance and extended functionality. The UTIP Mobile Trader’s Room 1.16.0 has also been upgraded, featuring a user-friendly menu.

UTIP CRM: Redesigned Client Card

Rewritten to a new engine. The tabs in the client card have been completely rewritten using React. Therefore, the interface became faster and more responsive. We also redesigned pages and improved their performance.

New buttons for prompt switching between clients. It is now possible to navigate between customers with a single click on the «Overview» page in the client card. This feature provides quick access to their data and streamlines multi-tasking. 

View the trader’s current balance by account. The update ensures an instant and seamless connection to key financial information, thus facilitating better management and interaction between administrative staff and traders. 

Added a bulk operation to delete all notes by clients. This feature makes it easier and more efficient to manage notes by customers. You can delete them all at once in a single step. The solution saves time and improves the overall data management process.

UTIP Mobile Trader’s Room: New menu

All sections of the Trader’s Room and Mobile Terminal are displayed in the new menu. Increase the conversion rate of account replenishment, streamline the user experience with trading and account top-ups, and minimize the algorithm required to take actions. Hence, your market player can seamlessly transition from funding to trading.

Feel free to contact our sales department for more information about the UTIP CRM 2.36.0 and UTIP Mobile Trader’s Room 1.16.0.

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