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UTIP WebTerminal New & UTIP Mobile “My Trading”. October 2023
6 October 2023

The UTIP WebTerminal New 2.9.0 update adds a context menu in the «Portfolio» section, a feedback form, and a quick access panel to object properties. The UTIP Mobile «My Trading» 1.42.0 has been provided with an option to change the account password.

UTIP WebTerminal New: context menu in the “Portfolio” section

A new functionality has been added to the trading terminal: a context menu in the «Portfolio» section. The menu is opened by right-clicking on any position in the «Portfolio». Functions available from the menu are the following:

— quick placing of a new market or pending order by the symbol of the selected position;

— opening a chart of the selected position’s symbol;

— position modification;

— position closing.

The menu simplifies the trading process and makes the opening of new orders and positions easier for the trader, reducing the algorithm of necessary actions.

UTIP WebTerminal New: feedback form

A feedback form has been added. It is opened when switching to the previous version of the trading terminal. All messages and feedback collected through the form are analyzed by the terminal development team. This will help to make the UTIP WebTerminal more efficient in the future.

UTIP WebTerminal New: quick access panel to object properties

The functionality of technical analysis objects has been improved. Now, a user is able to change parameters and properties of an object directly on the chart. If an object is selected, the object properties panel will appear. It allows quick editing of the selected object, as well as its deletion or duplication, without having to open the properties window.

UTIP Mobile “My Trading”: account password change 

To change the password, a user no longer has to go to the Trader’s Room. In the new version, this can be done in the mobile terminal. Just switch to the settings and select the «Change Password» option.

Please feel free to contact our sales department., if you need any further information on the UTIP WebTrader New 2.9.0 and UTIP Mobile  “My Trading” 1.42.0.

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