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Trader’s Room and CRM updates. October 2020
8 October 2020

In the new release of the Trader’s Room, the broker can add a link to their own registration page. The trader now has the opportunity to reset the password for the account in Trader’s Room. In CRM, you can now set a ban on editing a client’s card.

Own registration page

In UtipOffice a broker can add a link to their own registration page. When the broker specifies the necessary link, traders will go to the specified page while clicking on the «Registration» button. Now the brokerage company will be able to customize the registration process from scratch.

Password recovery from an account in Trader’s Room

In Trader’s Room, the trader now has the opportunity to reset the password for the account. Now he can recover the lost password at any time without contacting the manager. To do this, he need to select an account and confirm the password change. After that, a letter with new login data will be sent to the trader’s email address.

List of documents for verification

In the Web office, we added a block in which the broker can indicate the documents required for trader’s verification, and their description (for example, which passport pages need to be scanned).

When the administrator adds the list and saves the changes, this information will be shown in the Trader’s Room on the verification page.

Security settings in CRM

In the «Security» section of CRM, we added the «Forbid editing» setting. With its help, the broker can prohibit employees from editing certain fields in the client’s card. For example, you can prevent editing contact information.

In the same section, you can now set the range of IPv6 IP addresses allowed for authorization in CRM.

Moreover, a field for applications for funds depositing through the Blockchain payment system has been added to CRM. Here, the manager can look at the address of the crypto wallet to track a specific transaction.

For detailed information about the new features of Trader’s Room and CRM, please contact the sales department.

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