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Company news
5 March 2018
Qualitative data feeds in the UTIP

The method used to receive data feeds by the server has been updated in the new version of the UTIP platform Now data feeds throughput is 7 times higher and data feeds update several times per second.

The broker can offer his traders more instruments due to the new quick data feed. The traders by themselves can carry on more transactions as the orders are executed quicker.

Try the speed of orders execution right now.

Visit the UTIP terminal.

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1 March 2018
User-friendly email templates in the new version of Web Office

New email templates were implemented in the Web Office This is about personal e-mails the users get after one or another completed action, e.g. registration, account opening etc.

Templates editing

At his discretion, the broker can easily edit built-in Web Office ready-made templates. The templates can be edited in 2 ways: textual or html-mode.


Special system variables or keywords can be added into the content of the email. When the email is sent, these keywords will be replaced with information from the user’s account. Such function can be useful, for example, when it is necessary to add an individual name reference to the email for each user.

Emails forming

The email can be formed in a corporate style and important motivating elements can be added. Images, hyperlinks and company’s logo are easily attached in the templates editor.


The broker will be able to take into account the peculiarities of traders from different countries by creating unique email template for each language.

Contact Sales Department for more details about new version of Web Office.

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21 February 2018
Chinese DINPAY PSP for the UTIP brokers

New PSP has been integrated into the UTIP Trade’s Room.

About the company

Сайт: http://us.dinpay.com/

The company was founded in China in 2007.

DINPAY does not require the broker’s company to be registered in China and allows to make transfers in RMB.

According to PSP specialists, DINPAY has more than 300 clients for now and the big broker Alpari among them.

Payment methods

WeChat Pay is quite popular in China. The app was downloaded by more than 900 million users.

DINPAY takes from 2,5% for transactions. As the transaction volume rises the rate declines. The provider charges 500$ plug-in commission.

DINPAY, MegaTransfer, Impaya, PaySeven, GoPay, Ecopayz, Cauri, OrangePay, PayBoutique, WinPay, RBK Money, SorexPay and Onpay payment systems are plugged in the UTIP Trader’s Room for today.

Follow the appearance of the new payment systems in News section on our website.