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Company news
12 February 2024
UTIP CRM. February 2024

In the UTIP CRM 2.37.0 release, we have moved the “Requests” and ‘’Tasks’’ tabs to a new engine, updated their design and enhanced the system performance. We have additionally embedded the file upload to the client’s notes.

Updated “Requests” and “Tasks” tabs

Completely moving the “Requests” and “Tasks” tabs to a new engine “React”, we’ve made the interface fast and responsive. We’ve also streamlined their design and performance.

File upload to client’s notes

The “Overview” page in the client’s card now features a file upload to the note. This allows CRM users to keep and freely access documents, images, and other files pertaining to specific client records, thereby optimizing the business process and ensuring more precise analysis of customer interactions.

For further information about the UTIP CRM 2.37.0, feel free to contact our sales department.

Keep an eye on the latest product updates in the “Newssection of our website.

7 February 2024
UTIP WebTerminal New and UTIP Mobile. February 2024

The latest update of UTIP WebTrader New 2.11.0 features a new dark mode, revamped «Events» window and improved filtering of events by market segments. The «Portfolio» section now showcases a redesigned status bar. The UTIP Mobile 1.44.0 has also been revised to include an extended indicator’s menu and reworked charts. 

UTIP WebTerminal New: dark mode

In order to enhance user experience and provide more stylistic options, we have introduced a new dark mode for the trading terminal. The implementation of a dark blue color scheme makes it easier for market players to access important features in low light without straining their eyes or experiencing unnecessary tension.

UTIP WebTerminal New: «Chart» section in the «Event» window

Our team has successfully integrated the «Chart» feature into the «Events of the Economic Calendar» window. Therefore, the process of monitoring indicator values and comparing them to predicted outcomes has been streamlined.

UTIP WebTerminal New: filtering events by market segments

Users are now able to narrow down their event search on the «Economic Calendar» by selecting a desired market segment:

  • currencies,
  • metals,
  • energy commodities. 

Once you select a segment, the list displays only those events that can influence the specified market.

UTIP WebTerminal New: redesigned status bar in the «Portfolio» section

We have redesigned the status bar in the «Portfolio» section. With a new customization, traders can effortlessly keep track of and handle their account funds.

UTIP Mobile: renewed charts

We have modernized the chart settings and redesigned the form for a more convenient and up-to-date look. 

New chart color schemes have also become a part of the release. Thus, traders received the option to modify them to their own liking.

The chart also features new components, such as labels indicating the maximum and minimum price points within a visible range. These labels allow market participants to easily identify the highest and lowest rates without the need for in-depth analysis. In addition, our team has reworked order, price, and time lines, as well as price indicators, to make them brighter and more visible.

UTIP Mobile: indicator’s menu

The functionality of the indicator’s menu has been improved. This makes their management much more convenient. In order to save the trader’s time to find what they need, we have also implemented a search by indicators.

Feel free to contact our sales department for more information about the UTIP WebTerminal New 2.11.0 and UTIP Mobile 1.44.0. 

Keep up with all the latest product developments in the «News» section of our website!

7 February 2024
MarketCheese. February 2024

The first update of this year features new daily events on the service’s homepage and refreshed data on symbols: the block with the current price and detailed symbol information has been completely redesigned.

Top day events on the homepage

The main page of the service now includes an Economic Calendar with the most important events of the day. Therefore, when you select an event, you can receive even more data for analysis, i.e. general and historical background, as well as its market impact. 

The option to create custom filters has also been added to the system to view information on noteworthy events. The setup is done on both the main and Economic Calendar pages, by clicking on a title or menu.

Information on symbols

Symbol pages have been expanded to include a block with the current price and other symbol details. 

More metrics have been added for each instrument: previous day’s close, open price, daily range, daily volatility, annual range and annual % change.

The time of the last quote update in Moscow time zone (GMT +3) is now displayed next to the current price.

The market status has also been improved. When the market is closed, you can hover over the status to get a tooltip showing the time left to open.

Share your market forecasts, read research from our analysts, and integrate widgets into your website. Click here to visit MarketCheese.

Keep up with the latest product developments in the «News» section of our website.